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On Mar 19, 2006, at 7:31 PM, Jim Henry wrote:
On 3/19/06, sasxsek@hidden.email <sasxsek@hidden.email> wrote:How's this sound. Take 'peni' from French 'penible' for difficult, and reverse to 'pine' for easy?They sound too much alike. I always wondered given the sourcelanguages, why not just use the Mandarin prefix <bu> for opposites. Itwould fit in very well with the rest of the Tceqli schema.There's often a difference between "not-X" and "un-X". Tceqli needs to keep the distinction between po- (opposite) and bu- (not). I'm kind of ambivalent about the reversals, but they do fit the language's ethos of striving for conciseness. Dana is probably right about "pine" and "peni" being a little too close in sound, though.
Agree all around. Po is opposite, and bu is just not. The first makes the word 'difficult', and the 2d just means 'not easy' in a literal sense.
For 'easy', I find Hungarian könnyu, which could be Tceqliized as konyu, or Sanskrit sarala, which seems a syllable too long. Now, we - could- have 'fsil', but that's a little too consonant-clustery even for me.
I found Korean 'swiun', but I'm not sure how to pronounce it, and it may be a little too complex phonetically in any case.
Rex May rmay@hidden.email See some of my cartoons at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ NOW UPDATED REGULARLY!