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RE: [ceqli] easy

> On Behalf Of Jim Henry
> There's often a difference between "not-X" and "un-X".  Tceqli
> needs to keep the distinction between po- (opposite) and
> bu- (not).  I'm kind of ambivalent about the reversals, but they
> do fit the language's ethos of striving for conciseness.

True there is a difference between antithesis and simple negation
however the Mandarin <bu> is used in words like <bu-hao> ("bad", "not" +
"good") which is why I suggested its usage.

> Dana is probably right about "pine" and "peni" being a little
> too close in sound, though.

I'm not a big fan of this reversal method for just this reason.  A
specific marker stands out, and so do words which are completely
distinct from each other but using anagrams becomes confusing.

Dana Nutter

The Demos Project