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Re: [ceqli] to tri balu plufwa

On Jan 29, 2006, at 6:27 PM, Jim Henry wrote:

fuke kinharzo dorm gike pitaym, to tri balu
bisali bedan to bawmgu dan to dom.  pamo balu
caw to diwali hu ga, kay bol "ta djin komtray gosa dalya."
pami balu caw to diwali hu gapi, kay bol "ta djin
komtray gosa dalya."  balubin caw to diwali hu pi,
kay bolkri "ta djin finkom gosa dalya!"

Ah, doing a little more thinking here.  'besali' wouldn't mean that.  To make the equivalent of sila, it would need po - posali.

go sali dom.  I leave the house.  dom besali go.  The house is left by me.

So if we want.   A arrived at B from C, we'd have, I think:

A sali B sila C.  expanded:  A sali B sa sila C.  

How do you mean 'bisali' here?

It was a typo for "besali", but I think
it should have been "posali" or "danho".
(Come to think of it, why not replace
"sali" with "podanho"?)

Rex May
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