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Re: [ceqli] to tri balu plufwa

On 1/28/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> Latest try:
> gataympa, tri balu dwel pisa dom hu dan gasa bawmgu.
> beo pa bi pamo balu, pami balu, kay pisa balubin.
> do tota dey, pamizo tayarfa tri diwalisi dalya hu ben to

"do tu dey" now, right?

Also I note that "dalya" isn't in the glossary yet.
The use of this quantifier suffix -si should be documented
in the grammar (maybe it already is, but I don't recall
reading about  it until now).

> balu famli.  kaybya doke beo komtray deo, deo tro kyar!
> cofa,  beo cwa gi pawdja hu dan bawmgu.

It would help beginners if you noted both in the
glossary entries for "beo" etc. and on the alphabet page
how letter-names are used as pronouns.  I think it
is mentioned just once in the grammar, with few
examples given.

> fuke to ze balu sali to dom, pisa pweri pa ven beosa heym.  peo bekyam

Why "ze" rather than "tri" here?  It's not an obligatory
plural marker, we know the exact number, and "tri" is
no more syllables than "ze".

In the glossary entry for "sali" you could also mention
the (slightly archaic) English word "sally".

> toy kinharzo betoy, fatco peo ten bel kincayn har.  peo volcaw to pisa dom.

You have "betoy" and "potoy" in the glossary.  Are
they in free variation?   And is "toy/betoy" needed
for a word that's marked with "-zo"?

"fatco" as a compound is not terribly perspicuous;
you should at least add a glossary entry for the compound
if not replace it.  I see "tcofa" used a couple of lines later
in roughly the same sense.

> peo pa trey komvol, kay djanvol kyu komxo sta to pisa dom.  tcofa peo pa
> dorku kay djam.  fu bli, kinharzo plufwa dorku.

The use of "pa" again after several sentences without
it seems to suggest to me a kind of perfect tense
or past-in-the-past, e.g.

"She had been very hungry"
rather than
"She was very hungry"

I think "komxo" is an error for "komco".

> to tri balu bu sta tci dom, hifa budjin peno
> dor. fuke pitaym, keo peno dor kay
> dja dan dom.
> sur stol sta tri diwali hu bedan dalya.
> keo komtray dalya hu gasa diwali.

Not "hu dan gasa diwali"?

> bol "tro kyar." kay komtray dalya hu dan diwali hu
> cengaca.  "tro kray." futco keo tray dalya hu dan
> pisa diwali. bol "genaw haw."  kay keo finkom deo.

You might add "then" and "next" in addition to
"afterwards" as glosses of "futco", to make
it easier to find.

The glossary has "cen" = member and "tcen" = middle.
Is it out of date?  Then what is "member" now?

> I did a nonce-thing here for medium-sized.  gaca means 'bigness', so cengaca
> would mean medium-bigness, but I don't really like it.  I need a prefix word
> to make of medium size, temperature, whatever.   cenga seems like it means
> of moderate largeness, not medium size.  I thought about just 'gapi' and it
> might work 'kyarkray' of medium temperature.  (btw, I finally decided on
> kray from CRYogenic)  If we use that method for merging opposites, we'd end
> up with tcaqpotcaq for of medium length, paypya for of medium age, etc.
> What do you think?

The former seems too verbose for the spirit of tceqli.
Maybe add a morpheme for "middling degree"
and use it as a prefix for morphemes that would
normally use "po-" instead of reversal for opposite

Rick Harrison's Vorlin used (at least for some terms)
a basic quality morpheme plus one of three
affixes for much, little, and medium amount.  Or maybe
the medium amount was the root and the much and little
adjectives were derived from it; I can't recall offhand.
I think Ladekwa uses a similar method, but with
five gradations.

fu kom, kinharzo dormfo.  keo dja dan
dormtcam kay prontray cwaq hu ga.
bol "tro dur".  futco keo prontray cwaq hu pi.
bol "tro dru".  futco keo prontray cwaq hu gapi[1].
za bol "genaw haw", kaydjiq[2] dje dorm.

1. or "tcenga" or "zemga"[3] something else...

2. I left "kaydjiq" alone from my last version
because although I see "jiq" and "djiq" are
not in the glossary anymore , I can't see where
you added any other equivalent for "but" either.

3. "zem" reversal of "mez", for "medium amount"
contrasting with "tcen" "central part of a space".

fuke kinharzo dorm gike pitaym, to tri balu
bisali bedan to bawmgu dan to dom.  pamo balu
caw to diwali hu ga, kay bol "ta djin komtray gosa dalya."
pami balu caw to diwali hu gapi, kay bol "ta djin
komtray gosa dalya."  balubin caw to diwali hu pi,
kay bolkri "ta djin finkom gosa dalya!"

Jim Henry