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Re: [ceqli] Re: to tri balu plufwa

On Jan 29, 2006, at 7:35 AM, HandyDad wrote:

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May <rmay@m...> wrote:


I did a nonce-thing here for medium-sized.  gaca means 'bigness', so
cengaca would mean medium-bigness, but I don't really like it.  I
need a prefix word to make of medium size, temperature, whatever.
cenga seems like it means of moderate largeness, not medium size.  I
thought about just 'gapi' and it might work 'kyarkray' of medium
temperature.  (btw, I finally decided on kray from CRYogenic)  If we
use that method for merging opposites, we'd end up with tcaqpotcaq
for of medium length, paypya for of medium age, etc.  What do you

I think this push-me-pull-you approach suits the language best. Since
we tend to describe or identify things by the ways in which they
deviate from average, it's not crucial to have a short way to
say "average in height" or whatever. But it's still nice to have a
better way than English does.

Good! and 'hawhwa' could mean so-so. But what would using 'bu' instead of 'po' mean? tcaqbutcaq = longish?

Rex May
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