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Re: to tri balu plufwa

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May <rmay@m...> wrote:

> I did a nonce-thing here for medium-sized.  gaca means 'bigness', so  
> cengaca would mean medium-bigness, but I don't really like it.  I  
> need a prefix word to make of medium size, temperature, whatever.    
> cenga seems like it means of moderate largeness, not medium size.  I  
> thought about just 'gapi' and it might work 'kyarkray' of medium  
> temperature.  (btw, I finally decided on kray from CRYogenic)  If we  
> use that method for merging opposites, we'd end up with tcaqpotcaq  
> for of medium length, paypya for of medium age, etc.  What do you 

I think this push-me-pull-you approach suits the language best. Since 
we tend to describe or identify things by the ways in which they 
deviate from average, it's not crucial to have a short way to 
say "average in height" or whatever. But it's still nice to have a 
better way than English does.