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> Kevin, what's your dialect? I'm South Midlands (Terre Haute, Indiana), and > my 'aw' is definitly not /a/, that is to say, the vowel in law, aw, claw is > different from the first vowel of 'father', and is just about the same as > the vowel in 'fall,' 'all.' (I'm sure this latter fact is weirdly > dialectal). Well, you all know I'm not a native English speaker, but AFAIK from what I've learned and been taught, the vowel in 'law' [lO:] is supposed to be the same as the one in 'fall' [fO:l]--and at least that's what RP pronounciation dictionaries say. So certainly that's not a weird dialectal fact, but precisely the fact taught to foreigners as the standard way of pronouncing it. What I've found 'weird' is to know that in some American dialects they pronounce the vowel in 'claw' as [kla] and make a difference with the vowel in 'or', which in RP sounds the same (both as [O:]). Best regards, Javier