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Re: [txeqli] Re: o and aw (was: Eek no.- Baseline?)

on 4/24/02 4:08 PM, uaxuctum at uaxuctum@hidden.email wrote:

>> Kevin, what's your dialect?   I'm South Midlands (Terre Haute,
> Indiana), and
>> my 'aw' is definitly not /a/, that is to say, the vowel in law, aw,
> claw is
>> different from the first vowel of 'father', and is just about the
> same as
>> the vowel in 'fall,' 'all.'  (I'm sure this latter  fact is weirdly
>> dialectal).
> Well, you all know I'm not a native English speaker,
> but AFAIK from what I've learned and been taught, the
> vowel in 'law' [lO:] is supposed to be the same as the
> one in 'fall' [fO:l]--and at least that's what RP
> pronounciation dictionaries say. So certainly that's
> not a weird dialectal fact, but precisely the fact taught
> to foreigners as the standard way of pronouncing it.
> What I've found 'weird' is to know that in some
> American dialects they pronounce the vowel in 'claw'
> as [kla] and make a difference with the vowel in
> 'or', which in RP sounds the same (both as [O:]).

It's a pleasant surprise to learn that at least one aspect of my dialect is
standard.   I remember that the Kennedys say BAHstun.  I presume the aw as
/a/ is at least a New England thing.

And your advocacy of the glottal stop is all the more admirable inasmuch as
I seem to remember that the glottal stop is extremely rare or even
nonexistent in Spanish.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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