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Re: Structure Words

> I didn't realize the ' was intended to be a sort of 'h' sound.  Is 
it in
> contrast with a stronger h in Lojban?

Well, I don't know if the ' was _intended_ as a sort
of 'h' sound, but the fact is that it IS a sort of 'h'
sound. And it is in constrast with 'x', which can easily
be considered to be a sort of 'stronger h'. That's a main
inconvenience of Lojban's phonology, since having both h
and x is not at all such a common feature, and of all the
six languages taken as models for lojban, only in Arabic
do they use both.

> If we allow cmavo to have the shape PV(V), regarding V as including 
> and semivowels, however represented, we have the six P's ? b,
p, d, 
t, g, k,
> multiplied times the number of possible V(V)'s
> a, e, i, o, u, y --- 36 CV's
> j before each ---  36 CjV's
> and w                  36 CwV's
> then aw,, aj,
> ej, oj                   24 CV(semivowel)
> and the possible
> vowel pairs:
> ae, ai, ao, au,
> ea, ei, eo, eu,
> ia, ie, io, iu
> oa, oe, oi, ou,
> ua, ue, ui, uo        60 CVV's
> That adds up to 192.    Lojban has 595.  Hm.  Is 192 enough?  How 
many of
> those 595 are high-frequency?

In high-frequency? In which language? In Spanish any two
vowel combination is in common use except for "ou" which
is the only diphthong banned from our phonology --though
"ou" is in fact sometimes pronounced due to the gliding
of vowels of adjacent words (such a as in "lo usual",
pronounced as [low'swal]), a phenomenon known in Spanish
as "sinalefa".

Best regards,