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on 4/15/02 9:26 PM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote: > If we allow cmavo to have the shape PV(V), regarding V as including vowels > and semivowels, however represented, we have the six P's ? b, p, d, t, g, k, > multiplied times the number of possible V(V)'s > > a, e, i, o, u, y --- 36 CV's > j before each --- 36 CjV's > and w 36 CwV's > then aw,, aj, > ej, oj 24 CV(semivowel) > and the possible > vowel pairs: > ae, ai, ao, au, > ea, ei, eo, eu, > ia, ie, io, iu > oa, oe, oi, ou, > ua, ue, ui, uo 60 CVV's > > That adds up to 192. Lojban has 595. Hm. Is 192 enough? How many of > those 595 are high-frequency? If only, say 190 of them are, the rest can > be handled with a CV that makes the following pred into a cmavo, which could > work like the Loglan system of deriving cmavo from preda thus: bea < BlEkA. > Instead of thot, it would work thus. Caw look at. Zycaw For example. Zy > being the CV that makes the following pred into a cmavo. Naturally, the > overwhelming majority of these would be formed from single-syllable preds, > yielding a 2-syllable cmavo. And, you know, if we also allow PVVV, which isn't too much of a stretch, we have all those VV's above made into jVV and wVV, adding 120 CVV's. We'd also have your CVjV and CVwV, which won't be quite 120 but will be a lot. We also have forms like Ciaj, Ciaw, etc., which I can't quite add up at the moment, but with all that we'd almost certainly have an additional 250 or so, or around 450 or so, coupled with the CV that makes preds into cmavo, and that's about the Lojban total. One reason for cmavo to be short is that they're used a lot, but, on the other hand, a lot of them _aren't_ used a lot, I bet. And some preds are used a lot more often than some smavo. Particularly the ones corresponding to Esperanto -ig and ig^, that sort of thing. Consequently, I'd like to be able to uses CV's for those, hence my PV(V)(V) idea for cmavo. Loglan is able to make fairly short word for, say, astronomer, 'tarsesmao,' but at the expence of those hideous allomorphs. The Ceqli word could be something like 'Stardxanfa', the elements of which are single allomorphs. -- >PLEASE NOTE MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: rmay@hidden.email > Rex F. May (Baloo) > Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp > Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm > Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm >Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/