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Re: [txeqli] Re: Structure Words

on 4/15/02 3:20 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 08:18:05PM -0000, uaxuctum wrote:
>> I find it more "unpleasant" to use the
>> apostrophe as a letter and much more to have it
>> pronounced as an h--not to mention the overabundance
>> of that sound in Lojban, which is by far the most
>> constantly-to-be-pronounced sound in it; I can't
>> stand having to say "aha", "eeha", "ohoo",
>> "ehee" at every minute.
> This seems to be a ubiquitous problem. If you want a consistent way of
> creating 'cmavo', you'll have to come up with some sort of method of
> tacking on another syllable. (I've seen guaspi, with its
> all-one-syllable words like "zglai". It's horrid.) With an apostrophe
> you're saying "aha", "iha", etc. all the time, but with y/w you're
> saying "aya" and "iwe" just as much. What if you steal one of the weaks
> from the ordinary words, say "l"? Then you're simply using "l" far too
> much. If you pick a word to transform the next phoneme into a cmavo,
> say "za", then you're saying "za" too much.
> It seems the idea with the Lojban ' is that it should be unobtrusive in
> both appearance and sound.

I didn't realize the ' was intended to be a sort of 'h' sound.  Is it in
contrast with a stronger h in Lojban?

If we allow cmavo to have the shape PV(V), regarding V as including vowels
and semivowels, however represented, we have the six P's ? b, p, d, t, g, k,
multiplied times the number of possible V(V)'s

a, e, i, o, u, y --- 36 CV's
j before each ---  36 CjV's
and w                  36 CwV's
then aw,, aj,
ej, oj                   24 CV(semivowel)
and the possible
vowel pairs:
ae, ai, ao, au,
ea, ei, eo, eu,
ia, ie, io, iu
oa, oe, oi, ou,
ua, ue, ui, uo        60 CVV's

That adds up to 192.    Lojban has 595.  Hm.  Is 192 enough?  How many of
those 595 are high-frequency?   If only, say 190 of them are, the rest can
be handled with a CV that makes the following pred into a cmavo, which could
work like the Loglan system of deriving cmavo from preda thus:  bea < BlEkA.
Instead of thot, it would work thus.  Caw look at.  Zycaw  For example.  Zy
being the CV that makes the following pred into a cmavo.  Naturally, the
overwhelming majority of these would be formed from single-syllable preds,
yielding a 2-syllable cmavo.

> That said, given the chance to rearrange the cmavo I would like to make
> too-common CV'V words into single syllables wherever possible. For
> example, turning the ubiquitous Lojban "la'e di'u" into, say, "ke jdi".

I'm with you on this, except I fear that allowing CCV(V) as a cmavo shape is
seriously restricting the predicate space, at least for the terse,
frequently-used preds I'd like to see, for making short compounds.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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