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Re: [westasianconlangs] Raamaniyaan Grand Master Plan

At 10:21 19.3.2004, Isaac Penzev wrote:

[Adjami spelling] 

>"What are spelling rules to distinguish between gaf-tagilo (*here*'s qaf
>U+0642) and gaf-h'afifo (*here*'s gaf / kaf with a stroke U+06AF)?" So

Will they *need* two letters for /g/?  IMHO they could use only qaaf like
the Mozarabs did *here*, unless the North African sound change was 
posterior to the introduction of Arabic script to Adjami which already
had /g/.  Alternatively if /g/ already had two allophones [g] and [G]
they might have made do with only ghayn!

Not so in Raamaniyaan of course, where /g/ and /G/ (or rather /R/) 
contrast after vowels.  OTOH they have two letters for /G/ in the 
Arabic orthography, since the change [q] > [R] was rather late in 
Persian, and R. Arabic writing is modelled on Persian.  The only 
modification is nyaaf/gnaaf/ñaaf (gaaf with three dots above, U+06b4) 
since I don't like the idea of nun+ye being tri-ambiguous between 
_ny, ni, nVy_.  Besides /J/ is the only phoneme which R. doesn't 
share with Farsi; it felt strange with a Romance language, however 
remote, lacking /J/! :) Also there is the strange origin of /Z/ in 
palatalized /r_j/ -- I like that mapping since it is found in my native 
lect of Swedish, and AFAIK only Polish has something similar.

/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
               A h-ammen ledin i phith!                \ \
    __  ____ ____    _____________ ____ __   __ __     / /
    \ \/___ \\__ \  /___  _____/\ \\__ \\ \  \ \\ \   / /
    / /   / /  /  \    / /Melroch\ \_/ // /  / // /  / /
   / /___/ /_ / /\ \  / /'Aestan ~\_  // /__/ // /__/ /
  /_________//_/  \_\/ /Eowine __  / / \___/\_\\___/\_\
Gwaedhvenn Angeliniel\ \______/ /a/ /_h-adar Merthol naun
|| Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda kuivie aiya! ||
"A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)