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> Aren't taame miqra a part of the standard? What is taame miqra? > Unicodely speaking, they are a part of Hebrew range there. Hebrew range 0590..05FF: (0590 reserved) Cantillation marks: ֑ ֑ ֑ accent etnahta ֒ ֒ ֒ accent segol ֓ ֓ ֓ accent shalshelet ֔ ֔ ֔ accent zaqef qatan ֕ ֕ ֕ accent zaqef qadol ֖ ֖ ֖ accent tipeha (tarha) ֗ ֗ ֗ accent revia ֘ ֘ ֘ accent zarqa (tsinorit, zinorit, tsinor, zinor) ֙ ֙ ֙ accent pashta ֚ ֚ ֚ accent yetiv ֛ ֛ ֛ accent tevir ֜ ֜ ֜ accent geresh ֝ ֝ ֝ accent geresh muqdam ֞ ֞ ֞ accent gershayim ֟ ֟ ֟ accent qarney para ֠ ֠ ֠ accent telisha gedola ֡ ֡ ֡ accent pazer (05a2 reserved) ֣ ֣ ֣ accent munah ֤ ֤ ֤ accent mahapakh ֥ ֥ ֥ accent merkha (yored) ֦ ֦ ֦ accent merkha kefula ֧ ֧ ֧ accent darga ֨ ֨ ֨ accent qadma (azla) ֩ ֩ ֩ accent telisha qetana ֪ ֪ ֪ accent yerah ben yomo (galgal) ֫ ֫ ֫ accent ole ֬ ֬ ֬ accent iluy ֭ ֭ ֭ accent dehi ֮ ֮ ֮ accent zinor (tsinor, zarqa) ֯ ֯ ֯ accent masora circle Points and punctuation: ְ ְ ְ point sheva ֱ ֱ ֱ point hataf segol ֲ ֲ ֲ point hataf patah ֳ ֳ ֳ point hataf qamats ִ ִ ִ point hiriq ֵ ֵ ֵ point tsere ֶ ֶ ֶ point segol ַ ַ ַ point patah ָ ָ ָ point qamats ֹ ֹ ֹ point holam (05bA reserved) ֻ ֻ ֻ point qubuts ּ ּ ּ point dagesh or mapiq (shuruq) ֽ ֽ ֽ point meteg (siluq) ־ ־ ־ punctuation maqaf ֿ ֿ ֿ point rafe ׀ ׀ ׀ punctuation paseq (legarmeh) ׁ ׁ ׁ point shin dot ׂ ׂ ׂ point sin dot ׃ ׃ ׃ punctuation sof pasuq ׄ ׄ ׄ mark upper dot (05c5..05cF) Based on ISO 8859-8: א א א letter alef (aleph) ב ב ב letter bet ג ג ג letter gimel ד ד ד letter dalet ה ה ה letter he ו ו ו letter vav ז ז ז letter zayin ח ח ח letter het ט ט ט letter tet י י י letter yod ך ך ך letter final kaf כ כ כ letter kaf ל ל ל letter lamed ם ם ם letter final mem מ מ מ letter mem ן ן ן letter final nun נ נ נ letter nun ס ס ס letter samekh ע ע ע letter ayin ף ף ף letter final pe פ פ פ letter pe ץ ץ ץ letter final tsadi צ צ צ letter tsadi (zade) ק ק ק letter qof ר ר ר letter resh ש ש ש letter shin ת ת ת letter tav (05eb..05eF) Yiddish digraphs װ װ װ ligature Yiddish double vav (tsvey vovn) ױ ױ ױ ligature Yiddish vav yod ײ ײ ײ ligature Yiddish double yod (tsvey yudn) Additional punctuation ׳ ׳ ׳ punctuation geresh ״ ״ ״ punctuation gershayim (05F5..05FF) (I cannot see the accents and the mark upper dot, but other characters (points, letters, ligatures, punctuation) are displayed O.K.) > Where can we learn iso-8859-# standards? I have not found yet where to get information about them. My browser knows only these of them: iso-8859-1 West European Latin iso-8859-2 Central European Latin iso-8859-4 Baltic Latin iso-8859-5 Cyrilic iso-8859-7 Greek iso-8859-9 Turkish Latin so I dont know which characters are available in iso-8859-6 Arabic iso-8859-8 Hebrew except that some ranges in unicode are marked as "Based on ISO 8859-" P.A.