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The evolution of the Gedeh script A B Γ Γ` Δ Δ` E F Z H Θ Θ` I K K` Λ M N N` Ξ Ξ^ O Π И И^ Q Ρ Ш T T` A B Γ Γ` Δ Δ` E F Z H Θ Θ` I K X Λ M N N` Σ Σ^ O Π И И^ Q Ρ Ш T T` A Á B Γ Γ` Δ Δ` E É Y F Z H Θ Θ` I Í K X Λ M N N` Σ Σ^ O Ó Π И И^ Q Ρ Ш T T` A Á B C Č D Ď E É Y F Z H I J K X L M N Ň S Ś O Ó P U Ú Q R W T Ť The shapes (but not the meaning) of the Old Gedeh letters were similar to the letters of the South Greek alphabet, only with two exceptions: mirrored-N-like samekh И was retained; shin Ш was not rotated Σ. The letters A E F I O were still only consonants: A [?], E [h], F [w], I [j], O [?\]. Also the letters H Θ Ξ retained in Gedeh their meaning: H [X\], Θ [t_?], Ξ [s]. The lateral pronunciation of Ξ^ and И^ was marked by circumflex-like small superscript lambda. The fricative pronunciation of Γ` Δ` Θ` K` T` was marked by a grave-like sign. The silent n, lengthening the next vowel in contracted plurals, was written also with grave mark; for example: MΛKN`M [melku:m < melkunum] pl. "kings"; MΛKN`TM [melka:tum < melkunatum] pl. f. "queens". The old text were not vocalised, but the vocalisation was hinted by grammatical determinants; for example: MΛKNTM|||♀ or MΛKN|||T♀M or MΛK|||N♀TM [melkunatum] pl. f. "queens"; WΔ`NNM|| or WΔ`NN|||M or WΔ`N|||NM [weDnanum] du. "(two) ears". (The determinat of the female gender ♀ (♀) should be displayed as female sign, Venus; my browser shows it, but here in mail I see some weird shape instead.) (There were surely also determinants for the cases, but I cannot imagine how to express graphically such abstract ideas.) Later, under the Greek influence, Ξ was replaced by Σ, K` was replaced by X. The letters A E F I O were newly used also to denote vowels, with a small modification of F contorted to Y: A [a], E [e], Y [u], I [i], O [o]. When these letters were used in their original values as consonants, they were marked by an acute-like diacritic, only instead of Ý for [w] was usually used the old form F: Á [?], É [h], F [w], Í [j], Ó [?\]. More later, under the Latin influence, the shapes of Γ and Δ were rounded to C and D, Λ was rotated to > L, the beardless head P was changed to the bearded head R: Γ > C Δ > D Λ > L Σ > S Π > Ρ Ρ > R Also the two non-Greek letters were slightly modified: И > U (compare the identical form of Latin u and Cyrillic и in handwriting) Ш > W Diacritic for lateralization was shortened from circumflex-like shape to an acute-like shape: Ξ^ > Σ^ > S^ > Ś И^ > U^ > Ú Diacritic for fricativeness (and sillent n) was prolonged from grave-like shape to an caron-like shape: Γ` > C` > Č Δ` > D` > Ď T` > Ť N` > Ň The consonantal yod got its own letter without diacritic: Í > J. Only the destiny of the letter Θ remains yet an unresolved question. P.A.