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Re: Aqilonian

>   Hi Thomas, I was dealing with Old Romance and Vulgar latin, not Aqilonian.  I also added the Hildebrandslied in Langobardic because there is an influence of that language in both Italian and Romansch.  Although this is off topic, it seems that Bavarian is the nearest living language to Langobardic.  The Hiltiprandes Leot must have affected story telling in the Italian and Romansch dialects as well as well as the words itself.  Panca is both Langobardic and modern italian and means 'bench.'  Italian also has 'banca' for bench which comes from the Gothic.

Oh, Sorry,

I like your Hiltiprandes Leot. Because you said, that Langobardic is close to Bavarian it might be interesting for you, that the mother of a good friend of mine can speak Cimbrian, a north italian Language, which is also close to Bavarian. You can find it on YouTube, if you look for Zimbrisch. Some dialects did not even have the second sound shift.

Currently I am learning archaic Latin.  I even happened to find somebody who is fluent and we try to write in it the next weeks.

