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Re: Padraic

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...> wrote:
> --- On Sun, 7/20/08, rw123472 <rw123472@...> wrote:
> > Is it possible for you to send me a copy of "The
> > lord's prayer" in Romconlang? Maybe i will be able to find ways to 
> > improve Romana.
> I can show you in my Romance conlang, Kerno:
> a Phazeoir Nusteor que bias 'n y ceues;
> foreth noef il tew nom;
> gouenyes il tew baseleón;
> foreth fès la teva gouoluntáts en lâ derra cuomo 'ny ceues;
> danos-el osdia le nusteor panèn cuotidièn;
> dimeti y nusteor dheuz cuomo dimitemus ai nusteor dheutoeres;
> et ne nus attrayer rhen al tentación, mays eliveránus des val. 

I really like this, your language presents a new way to spell words of
romance origin. I can tell that you've really put alot of time into
developing this language. 
> Kerno is *not* intended to be an IAL or a bridge language. Reading
and understanding the above *might* help you with Middle or Old French
a little, but not Italian or Spanish!
> Kerno retains some case distinctions and has a fairly robust verbal
system. A system of conjugated prepositions/preverbs; initial
mutations; and archaic orthography round out this
as-far-as-you-can-get-from-an-auxlang conlang.
> You can read a little about it at <http://www.bethisad.com/kerno.htm>
> Here it is in Andrew Smith's Brithenig:
> Nustr Padr, ke sia i llo chel,
> sia senghid tew nôn,
> gwein tew rheon,
> sia ffaeth tew wolont, syrs lla der sig i llo chel.
> Dun nustr pan diwrnal a nu h-eidd;
> e pharddun llo nustr phechad a nu,
> si nu pharddunan llo nustr phechad.
> E salw nu di'll temp di drial, mai llifr nu di'll mal.
> I present this in comparison, as the two are related languages,
inhabiting the same country.
> Read more at <http://hobbit.griffler.co.nz/introduction.html>
> Andrew took the job of creating a credible VL -> Modern Romance
language rather seriously. Mine is more artistic and aesthetic in
nature (at least in my opinion). I've always been impressed by
Andrew's design principle and indeed the results of his long labours.
> And just for fun...
> pampan bos flamenes oullaffer sacrifacefest eafta pricuso fahtud bos:
> pater nustre piis inceilu siest
>   macreter tefo onumen
>   ficater tefa bolontion tisupe ceilupe
> pane nustro mahtu fousie douiad
>   colfas nustras perficad
>   poffo colfas oullaferom perfecemes
>   iuiuseconoi neferesnes
>   desufaper neslifiriad.
> I think a conlang from the World somewhere in the Eastlands. 
> Padraic