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Here are a few more etymologies, including obsolete terms: Rum făt, fată < fetus 'offspring' Sp chaborra < L. clava 'sprout' Gallo-It. matto/a < Gmc magat (cf. magd) Sp, Pt menino/a, Cat minyo, Fr mignon, mignot < Celtic min 'little' It pulcella, OPt, Occ pucella, OSp puncella, Fr pucelle, puceau < L pullus 'young animal' On the use of 'baby talk', compare It ninno/a, nanna 'baby' Sp niño/a with It ninare 'lull' and Sp nana 'nurse' and It bambino/a, Asturian bams with Sp bamba 'swing' and Gk bambainō 'lisp' It seems very common for the word for 'boy' to come from one for servant: Gaelic has 'buachaill' which was originally 'cowherd'. Foreign loans are also common in the search of novelty: 'garçon' went into Gaelic as 'garsún' in Munster and 'gasur' (I may have spelt that wrong) in Ulster. I must admit that I've chickened out of creating these words for Liburnes: these postings have inspired me to settle the matter! David