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I have a question... for my unnamed language I introduced a couple days ago, I had the idea of borrowing the Old French sulunc (presumed to be from a Popular Latin form *sublongum) to serve as a preposition "according to..." I had the idea (to be explained in a second) to "naturalise" sulunc as sulunque. I then discovered another Old French spelling, seloncq. What I imagine is that my conlang's original writers who borrowed the Old French sulunc engaged in an act of folk etymology and presumed that the final -c or -cq pointed to a -que. Sulunc just doesn't look right, though it probably would grow on me. What does everyone think of sulunque, or (based on some other old spellings) selunque, selonque... I like the su- connection to Latin sub-... on the other hand, one can aalso imagine a crossing between sulunc (sublongum) and segon (O.Prov. < secundum) leading to selunque... How do these possibilities sound? Cheers, Eamon