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Re: [romconlang] Etymology - anque

eamoniski skrev:

I'm probably missing something obvious, but can anyone tell me the
origin of Old French "anquenuit," Old Provencal "ancuei" and (I
presume) Venetian "ancuo" - all meaning "today"?


Meyer-L�bke doesn't list it, which may mean that he didn't
have a clue...  He does list ANQUE 'auch' (i.e. 'aussi' --
English lacks an unambiguous gloss here...) as doubtful
but possibly from AD UNQUE or ANCORA, which itself is from
UNQUAM HORA.  The Old Proven�al forms puzzles me, as OP
is normally non-diphthongizing.  May it be AD UNQUE HODIE?
I'm jus' speculating.  The OF seems perspicuous AD UNQUE
NOCTE, but that may be a false impression.

However I've requested my uni library to acquire the
following book:

 Dizionario etimologico dei dialetti italiani
Manlio Cortelazzo, Carla Marcato
723 pagine, Utet Libreria, 34 Euro

Amazingly they usually comply with my acquisition requests
if the book doesn't exixt in some other Swedish uni library,
and if it does I can get it on interlibrary loan at no cost.
Gotta love 'em!  The catch is that this book doesn't exist
at another library, so they'll acquire it, and since it's
a dictionary it'll be placed in the reference section, and
I'll not be able to get it on home loan.  Ah well, you can't
get everything! :-)

/BP 8^)
  B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
"Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk,
and so they are gone to milk the bull."
                                    -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)