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Re: Etymology - anque

--- Steg Belsky wrote:

> How does the calendar work in which today is "3 ventoso 5766"?
> In the Jewish calendar it's now (at least in this timezone) 12 Shevat  
> 5767.

The calendar I chose for this language (I also like making calendars)
uses the Anno Mundi as Anno Lucis (rather than the Ussher calculation)
and begins on 1 March (the same as that used by the old Venetian

The months are: Germinale, Floreale, Prateriale, Messidoro, Termidoro,
Fructidoro, Vindemiario, Brumario, Ribrario, Nivoso, Pluvioso, Ventoso

The -ales and -doros have 31 days each; the -arios and -osos have 30
days each except Ventoso normally only has 29 days.

The days of the week are: Dominica, Secundi, Tertidi, Quartidi,
Quintidi, Paraschevi, Sabbato
