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�ess manns hjarta sem elskar �slensku bl��ir! Stafur fr� stafr�finu ��ins gerir ekki trollrit! El cuor d'un amaiant del Islanday sangret! Une letre del alphab�t d' �din no criat esreuture dil egri! Segun me l'escreuture latin s�a plu respandude -- por ra��� pol�tic --, may nondemain es un desordra��u rustecogne del esplend alphabet greg! >;) /Bendetx The heart of someone who loves Icelandic bleeds! A letter from the alphabet of Othin doesn't make a trollscript! IMO the Latin script may be widely spread, for political reasons, but nevertheless it is a country bumpkins mess-up of the splendid Greek script. >;) /Benct Jacques Deh�e skrev: > Why do you use a troll-script instead of the true honest > Latin script ? > > Jacques > > Es evidente: un lingua incomprehensibile non pote ser > inspirate per le Latino, ma vostre lingua personal es > comprehensibile e non es un criptograme. Donc me causet el pavent che el Rhodray es sobregl fod! Thus i fear that Rhodrese is too bland! Sic dividet et imperat... Sic me rapuit gaudium in illo... /BP