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I found some good things online: Graesse, Orbis Latinus -- (Neo)Latin geographical names <http://www.columbia.edu/acis/ets/Graesse/contents.html English to French, Italian & Spanish Dictionary with links for easy jumping between the languages. You can access Portuguese too from the Spanish pages. Too bad there is no Catalan! <http://www.wordreference.com/> Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé -- contains etymology although it can be hard to find. Use the search function to find the abbreviation "Lat."! <http://atilf.atilf.fr/dendien/scripts/fastshowart.exe> Dizionario Etimologico Italiano -- with cognates in other languages incl. Provençal, yay! <http://www.etimo.it/> And for those who have access to the JSTOR database (many have through their university libraries): "The Sounds of Latin. A Descriptive and Historical Phonology" by Roland G. Kent Language, Vol. 8, No. 3, Language Monograph No. 12: The Sounds of Latin. A Descriptive and Historical Phonology (Sep., 1932), pp. 11-13+15-216 doi:10.2307/521970 <http://tinyurl.com/yutwtn> /Bendetx