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Re: [romconlang] Pronunciation of gu- (for Gmc w) in Romance?


Pedro Aguiar writes:
> Notice difference with other native American languages like Quechua, where
> transliteration into Castillian led to /w/ written as "hu"
> (Tawantinsuyu/Tahuantinsuyu, Tiwanaku/Tihuanaco).

I like Castillian romanisation very much.  One of the offspring
languages from my lexicon project (S22) will use phonotactics and
romanisation similar to Náhuatl.  It will be an oligosynthetic
language.  Some sample words (which will change -- I'm currently

sphere            mitK)its)otK)         mitlitzotl
spouse            kiltS)itK)amason      quilchitlamazon
state             joltatK)              yoltatl
stone             totK)itS)in           totlichin
sweet             jowanin               yohuanin
that/yonder       wasajatK)             huazayatl
