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Re: [romconlang] On orthgraphies


"Peter Collier" <petecollier@hidden.email> writes:
> I'm having a play, creating some sort of "Northern Romance" branch
> using the Germanic sound changes on Latin, and tweaking it a bit in
> different ways (yes, I know it's been done before, but not by *me* -
> and i'm enjoying it !).

Ok, I wont mention my Thrjotran. :-)

Anyway, you seem wanting to go in a different direction, something
more similar to German maybe, not Icelandic, I presume.  Also, by your
questions, you seem wanting to create something that does not try to
strictly direct Latin into some Germanic lang that is spoken today,
but instead create something different that has the *feel* of being
Germanic, but not strictly like an existing natlang.  Am I guessing
right?  E.g. the questions of orthography was clear for Thrjotran: it
uses exactly the Icelandic system, and even earlier stages (Old
Thrjotran) uses the (modern) Old Icelandic system.

I'm quite interested in your goals actually!

> Maybe just use <ch> in initial position too, althouh that
> looks 'wrong' to me.  Does anyone have any idea how those poor
> mediaeval monks, schooled in classical latin, might have tried to
> write an initial /x/ ?

_h_ ?
