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Hello! I was invited by an existing member (along with italocarune), currently my only reasonably developed a posteori conlang is a romlang called descubralía. In the subject line I used a slightly altered transcription (I have a conscript for it I never use), stressing the /j/ for y and unaccented i. The normal way to write it looks more Spanish (the language descubralía is derived from) but hides the pronunciation. Normally I'd write it "Io también niuvu sye" or "Io también niuvu sie." Basically, descubralía is a future form of Spanish, which in my story line coexists with the proper future form of Spanish, but through a touch of scifi ends up on another planet. A couple sample sentences (compared with some natlangs including Spanish I need to correct)...and where I plan to move my site to: http://terluniuvu.coconia.net My existing site about descubralía (and the other societies on my conworld)is here and has a grammar: http://www.geocities.com/descubralia And in Spanish: http://espanol.geocities.com/descubralia -Julía Mariposú (my descubralían alter-ego)