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--- "Gregory H. Bontrager" <GregBont@hidden.email> wrote: > > I am just now becoming aware of how distinct > Vulgar Latin and > Classical Latin probably were, and this has > made me curious about > something. Since all Romance natlangs are > based on Vulgar Latin, > are there any Romance conlangs that are based > on Classical Latin? I think Jervaine is. Almost certainly a realistic unlikelihood -- but then again, Ill Bethisad (the world where the Jervainois live) is full of such unlikelihoods! I'm sure there are plenty of others out there: I bet most (naive / young) conlangers who decide to base a Conlang off of Latin don't even know that Vulgar Latin exists. Or they think, like I once did, that it just means all the naughty words of Latin. ;) Padraic. spaltamananam mananaspaltar sactatray�y: p�tr�man potr�y sactafilt�y; camtamanstapurncanar ecca�astahtasactacatliq�xawi�taq��ax�ttasactafolyan holtanite-co holtanihal-to carxxaralhan tlasolimtalhan. xomin. Glory and honour, honour and glory to the all-Holy Trinity: the Father and the + Son and the Holy Spirit. Peace and edification unto the one, only, holy catholic and apostolic church of God that is from one end of the Earth to the other East and West. Amen. [Divine Liturgy of St. Thomas, Teleran] -- Ill Bethisad -- <http://www.geocities.com/elemtilas/ill_bethisad> Come visit The World! -- <http://www.geocities.com/hawessos/> .