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--- Jeff Jones skrzypszy: > I've been hoping to get some issues resolved before my turn in the > romlang relay. I can always make snap decisions, but I hate putting > things into a relay text that have to be taken out of the language > later. Sure. The version of the language you use in a relay will be frozen forever. Of course, you can always keep an updated version of it on one of your own pages, and I'll be happy to add a link to it. > Some of the issues are: > * The language has no name yet. > > This is a very generic language, spoken in an alternate universe. > From the standpoint of *here*, it's a mixture of features from > different romance branches. So I don't know where it's spoken. I don't particularly like a name like "Generic", but it depends of course on how much you'd like to mimic the real world. If that's the case, well, then I think you have the following options: - a name based on ROMAN- or LATIN-: not the most attractive or ambitious solution, I admit, but credible nonetheless; - a name based on a substrate (like Wenedyk < VENEDI); this might not work in your case, because you don't seem to work with any particular sub-, super- or adstrate; - the name of the region; if you should decide to have it spoken in Malta, for example, then you can simply call it "Maltese", or "Alt-Maltese"; - a description of the region; for example "Portugal" < PORTUS CALUS. This may be the best solution in your case. > |Saex�n| sounds nice, but would be too confusing. Indeed. > |Izlar| would limit me to an island and |Granvall�s| to a large > valley. Personally I like Granvall�s. Mind you, a valley can also be located on an island, and how large large is is largely relative. > My *best* idea is |Scolar| (or |Escolar|), after the scholars in > charge of orthography conversion when borrowing learned words. Hmm, not my favourite. > * There are some sound changes I'd like to confirm first. > Unlike French, Spanish, etc. one thing I want to do is keep the > development of VL tj (tz, dz, zz) distinct from cj and fronted c (c > [e], g[e], ss). I think at least some varieties of Italian do this? > VL dj will still merge with gj (g[e], s), and fronted g with j. Yes? So, what do you need confirmation about? I like it. > * I need to decide on a number of pronoun forms. Before I can tell you anything, could you please explain the concepts "situational", "indefinite specific", etc.? > Good, I'm going to present more problems in another email. And > later, some preliminary texts. Yes please! :) > Right now all I have is stuff like: "Pellos buens filhes de San > Giosafad!" I read all your messages under the header "New Lang" today. I think it is a very promising project, and I'd surely like to see more of it. There's little I can comment about the phonology bit, except this: if you use this language in the relay, and you have the necessary equipment, then I'd love to hear it spoken as well. Generic as it may be, the look-'n'-feel of the language is clearly Western Romance. At least, that's my impression based on what little info I've seen. I would say, it's located on a place somewhere between Portugal, France and Italy. Cheers, Jan ===== "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito." ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com