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Re: [romconlang] Re: Romance family tree

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>

>  --- Padraic Brown skrzypszy:
> > Other times, you might use one or the other
> to
> > avoid confusion. Two conlangs from the shared
> > world of Ill Bethisad are always referred to
> > using their native names (Brithenig and
> Kerno),
> > in order to avoid confusion since their
> English
> > names are "Welsh" and "Cornish" respectively.
> And so is Wenedyk (99% of the time, at least).
> When I use the English
> version, Venedic, is it mostly as an adjective
> referring to the
> community of speakers. Also, in the
> construction "the XXX language" I
> rather use the English version.
> The English for Brithenig is "Welsh"? Gosh,
> didn't even know that! So
> what are "Cambrian", "Kemrese", etc.?

The first is a learned adjective for the peoples,
languages, cultures, etc. west of the Fence
regardless of time. The latter is a common but
nice adjective that describes the present
inhabitants of the Kingdom. "Welsh" is the usual
adjective used to describe all things Kemrese,
including things Dumnonian. "Cornish" and
"Cornwallish" are a little more specific.

These aren't hard and fast rules. You find things
like "...the Kemrese kingdoms in the X century
were noted for..."


'n aon le prims, bes et vrach;
'n aon le cerch, fucieoir et lugh;
'n aon le ters, dofert, afert;
'n aon le coueart, y chorn ce quei 'm tetulli-el!


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
