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Carl Edlund Anderson eskr� � >> Though "Latin thru ON" that sounds interestingly alarming. I've started collecting a few bits of vocabulary for my Gallo-Celtoiberian through Spanish sound-changes, and had an idea about Gothic through Spanish sound-changes (I started learning Spanish a few years ago, so I've been thinking very Iberically, conlangwise), though that one hasn't gotten off the ground. I really ought to ask some questions about those here, since though the vocab is not Romance, the effects of sound changes very much are, which makes them _kinda_sorta_ romconlangs :) << Vaguely _kinda_sorta_almost_ related to that is the Capraian project - a Mediterranean Germanic with strong Romance influences. Thomas (Leigh) and I will be attacking that one again fairly soon. Some of the sound changes are Italianate (e.g. assimilation), but not all. James/Yacqueu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- �lvard J. te Kraamlep Vorquichtat, Binertglobakl�i Jameld Zolidaton kraamlep@hidden.email BJZ Wabplaz: http://www.zolid.com/zm -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --