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--- Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@hidden.email> wrote: > Steg wrote: > > > Go with [ja'va:n]! > > ("Yavan" means 'Greece' in Hebrew) > > > > :-D > > Really? It's _Yaavana-_ in Sanskrit! All from IFWH- as I recall; and has the same reflex in Persian. Note that both retain the otherwise lost digamma, which English borrowed as Ionia. Yaww�nas is the Talarian reflex and means "Southern merchant". I.e., one from Sind or Persia or any of the old Greek kingdoms. Even applies to Westerners. Padraic. ===== 'n aon le prims, bes et vrach; 'n aon le cerch, fucieoir et lugh; 'n aon le ters, dofert, afert; 'n aon le coueart, y chorn ce quei 'm tetulli-el! [Dumnonian] -- Ill Bethisad -- <http://www.geocities.com/elemtilas/ill_bethisad> Come visit The World! -- <http://www.geocities.com/hawessos/> .