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Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
Though "Latin thru ON" that sounds interestingly alarming. I've started collecting a few bits of vocabulary for my Gallo-Celtoiberian through Spanish sound-changes, and had an idea about Gothic through Spanish sound-changes (I started learning Spanish a few years ago, so I've been thinking very Iberically, conlangwise), though that one hasn't gotten off the ground.
I have mused on Burgundian -- Old Germanic (much like but not wholly Gothic) with Gallo-Romance sound changes... I've also mused on "the Knjaz language", i.e. a Germanic lang with Slavic soundchanges -- OT on this list! -- /BP 8^) -- B.Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)