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Hi, <<<question - what is 'Quark Cheese'? it sounds, to me, like a particle physicist's idea of a bad joke. (sorry!).<<< Naaah :-)). Quark is a soft creamy acid-cured cheese made from whole milk. While cheese is (or *originally* meant): 1a. A solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk, often seasoned and aged. b. A molded mass of this substance. 2. Something resembling this substance in shape or consistency <<<to me, at least, it looks like it has a Greek origin (possibly because of the -eus to it).<<< In Class. Gr. cheese is 'tyreu-ma' (ModGr. 'tyri'). Nothing in my Greek dico that comes close to 'kaseus' and that means "cheese". Caseus is Latin. The "Roman" way to make "caseus" was with a mold, hence 'caseus formaticus' (and hence French fromage). Regards, Frank