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Steg Belsky wrote: <<So, "axis mundi" (axis of the world) in Judajca is [as> hammonEz] (or maybe [...D], i'm not sure about what the fricative allophone of /d/ should be yet).>> I would vote for [D]. Anyway, fricative allophones are obligatory! <<although i realized there's probably an Aramaicized dialect in the north, which in popular opinion may be considered 'bad Judajca' but linguists know that it just has a different adstrate).>> Does it have a postpositional article in contrast to plain "ha" ? <<Judajca's Semitic-style emphatic consonants developed roughly like this:>> Are they deemphasized in Modern pronunciation e.g. [s>] > [ts)]? <</monEd/ develops from /mund(i)/ according to the same 'segolization' process that got Hebrew /k>odES/ from /k>udS/>> That makes sense. <<I'm not sure how Judajca full vs. defective spelling rules work yet.>> I'd vote for full spelling... -- Yitzik