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Re: [romconlang] Isidorian Rite (was: Bible translations in Ajami TL)

--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> Costentin Cornomorus eskribiw:
> > --- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> > > Hmm. What is Isidorian Rite?
> >
> > The native Iberian rite, also called
> Mozarabic
> > which is *here-n-now* only sung at Toledo
> > cathedral. It is the commonly heard liturgy
> in
> > Ill Bethisad's Spanish speaking sphere.
> Well, that's clear. But what are main
> differences between I.Rite and
> Latin one? *That* was my question... Anyway,
> it's not urgent. 

Well, I can send you the Ordinary in Word
Perfect, if you like. :) The whole missal can be
found online.

Basically, it's a different form of the Mass, in
the way the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is a
different form of the Mass.

> more concerned now with conlanging than
> conculturing (though the
> latter seemed to cause certain interest from my
> wife).

Point her here:


It's in Spanish, mind. If you read Latin, it's
also there in Latin.


k�su �omklyu tsrasi&#347;&#347;i &#347;�k k�lymentwam!
    -- Punyavantaj�taka


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
