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Isidorian Rite (was: Bible translations in Ajami TL)

Costentin Cornomorus eskribiw:

> --- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> > Hmm. What is Isidorian Rite?
> The native Iberian rite, also called Mozarabic
> which is *here-n-now* only sung at Toledo
> cathedral. It is the commonly heard liturgy in
> Ill Bethisad's Spanish speaking sphere.

Well, that's clear. But what are main differences between I.Rite and
Latin one? *That* was my question... Anyway, it's not urgent. I'm
more concerned now with conlanging than conculturing (though the
latter seemed to cause certain interest from my wife).

Anyway, the preliminary information about religious situation in
AjTL needs correction. Domination of Anglo-Saxons in the
North-Western Europe would certainly keep Catholicism alive, even if
Rome falled into Byzanthine hands...

> missal. (In Spanish, mind!)

�No problema, se�or! I read and understand enough Spanish, although
I'm a very poor speaker of it...

Kon muytos tavrikos,
-- Yitzik