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Jan van Steenbergen eskriviw: > --- Isaac Penzev skrzypszy: > > > Hello. If this quotation becomes a translation exercise, maybe you > > want to do it from the original, not from a loose NIV English > > translation? I can provide the original text with the interlinear. > > Yes, please! For your pleasure: (NB: semicolon marks long vowels, 3 stands for `ayin, 6 - for "vocal schwa", fricative variants not specified; text is parcelled in morphemes with slashes where possible - fusion is often on work!) ho:le:k 'el da:ro:m go.PA to south w6/so:be:b 'el tza:po:n and-whirl.PA to north so:be:b so:be:b ho:le:k ha:/ru:ahh whirl.PA whirl.PA go.PA the-wind w6/3al s6bi:b/o:ta:w sha:b ha:/ru:ahh and-on whirling(n)/p+3ms(poss) turn.PA the-wind Legend: PA - active participle; means habitual action (as Present Indefinite in English) p - plural ms - masculine singular poss - possessive suffix Enjoy it, -- Yitzik