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Re: [romconlang] Re: Translation exercise - Days of the week

--- tursachan2000
<thomas@hidden.email> wrote:

> > Yes. In my head. I've been meaning to work on
> > this more, but I've been working on stuff
> > from the World for the last while. 
> I'm holding out for "Teach Yourself Kerno",
> myself! :-)

Ha! You might want to write it yourself - I kind
of gave up on the idea of doing a TY. It's just
not the way I handle language information and
learn; that makes it very hard for me to write
something even halfway bad.

> Actually, one aspect of Kerno which I have
> found tough is working out 
> pronunciation from the orthography. 

Yes. That was one of the design goals! ;)

> Do the rules from the Grammar of 
> the literary language generally hold true for
> the colloquial language 
> as well? Or could I pester you for a sample
> passage with transription in X-SAMPA? :)

Pester all you like! ;) I'd have to look into
x-sampa and learn how it works before I tried
doing this. And of couse, I'm still
procrastinating on doing an actual Kerno sound


la cieurgeourea provoer mal trasfu ast meiyoer ke 'l andrext ben trasfu.


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
