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Re: [romconlang] Re: Weekly Vocab 30 in Kash

--- Christian Thalmann skrzypszy:

> > > > 1. A good friend is often a source of strife.
> > 
> > Bon amik źbiÄ?dź jest fÄ?Ä? dziesztatór.
> What's |źbiÄ?dź| from?  =P

From _sÅ­bindÄ?_. It derivation is entirely regular: _sÅ­bindÄ?_ > _*sÑ?bjÄ?dj_
> _źbiÄ?dź_.

> > > > 6. But a good friendship can't end that easily.
> > 
> > Wiec bona amiczyca nie pocie siej finier szyk faczelmiÄ?Ä?.
> ...and |wiec|?  It certainly doesn't look like _sed_.

_wiec_ in fact is an old word (I mean, from a very early stage of Wenedyk). It
comes from _autÄ?m_: 
_autÄ?m_ > _*avtj_ > _*avjec_, and then the _a-_ falls off. 
However, it violates no less than three rules, so I still might decide to
replace it later.
BTW, it means "but". There is also the word _maż_, which supposes a higher
degree of opposition than _i_ "and", but a lower degree than _wiec_ "but".

> > > > 7. At least she's not an atheist or anarchist or a
> > > > revolutionary.
> > 
> > Å?a piaramieÅ?szymie nie jest ateista, anarchista u rewoluconarz.
> Heh...  the only possible ancestor of |piaramieÅ?szymie|
> I can find is _peramoenissimus_, "the most pleasant"...
> which has just spawned the Jovian word |prawoenu| 
> [pr@'vAjn] "comfortable, luxurious, enjoyable, very
> pleasant". 

Ha, that's interesting! Indeed, _peramoenissimus_ could regularly spawn
_piaramieÅ?szymie_! But the truth is more (or less, depending on your point of
view) complicated. It is a literal translation of Pol. "przynajmniej", German
"zu mindestens", Dutch "tenminste":
_piara_ is from Lat. _per ad_ and means "with, near, at" (German "bei");
_mieÅ?szym_ is of course Lat. _mÄ­nÄ­mus_, enriched with the regular
superlative ending _-Ä­ssÄ­mus_.

> > > > 10. both
> > > > We'd both do the same.
> > 
> > Nosz wÄ?bu faczerzym iÅ? soÅ?.
> |SoÅ?|?

From Lat. _solus_, but it underwent a change of meaning towards "self", "same"
(cf. Polish "sam").

> > Where does the [z] in [vi:gz] come from? Or is it a typo?
> It's the form of sandhi known as "resistance".  [...]



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