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Reformers and Revolutionaries

1.	to calculate
As a magistrate, I must calculate the amount of surplus food the area 
Mu, tsrat, me nocexoch carcrat fsa pantat d'admontau quib poch 
rejiaun xort crat.  
[mu t_srat] [men8%keS8t_S kar%krat fsa pan%tat d'ad%m8nto kib p8t_S 
re%d_Zjon S8r%krat]
2. waste
Food waste is dreadfully common.
Yfontat do quib och huede commun.
[i\f8n%tat d8 kib 8t_S wede k8m%mun]
3. to regulate
The government must therefore regulate sales and supply.
Fsa raxna debot yjtyr rerjat 
[fsa raSna %deb8t %i\d_Zti\r rer%d_Zat]
4. famine
Only these laws stave off famine.
Xaure fsa iura xorn xorbat e huam.
[%Sore fsa jura S8rS8r%bat e%wam]
5. control
Farmers don't like this level of control.
Arjycrax naun xorn amat ojyn d'yferi.
[ar%d_Zi\kraS non S8rna%mat %8d_Zi\n di\%feri]
6. spade
They might revolt with spades and pitchforks.
Huorxitan fsaux armaut cy fsadaun ot huyrcax.
[%w8rSitan fsoS ar%mot ki\fsa%don 8t %wi\rkaS]
Armaut < arma movere - rebel 

7. to quake
I'm quaking in my boots.
Mu xorbau pas fy mi xacaux.
[mu %S8rbo pas fi\mi%SakoS]

8. fortress
If they do revolt, they shall never take the fortress.
Xi fsaux ban armaut, nyncu fsaux ban quoft fsa arc.
[Si fsoS banar%mot] [%ni\Nku fsoS baN%k8ft fsa(h)ark]
9. to besiege
I just hope they don't manage to besiege the place.
Mu fsorau pod fsaux naun ban xycquex xyccynct fsau roc.
[mu fs8ro p8d foS non ba%Si\kkeS %Si\kki\Nkt fso r8k]
10. day
That would just ruin my day.
Fsau fotoch rynat mi diunhar.
[fso %f8t8t_S ri\%nat mi dju%Jar]