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Re: [langmaker2] Translation exercise, were Re: all those bloody pornasters.

 --- Costentin Cornomorus skrzypszy:

> another lesson in Kemrese Humour:

Well, I guess giving it a try won't hurt anybody:


> dol' omèn il sezlonds le llongfrangeièn:
> Pernauigasot c' om perry vor, et durant ke
> domonis.se az al isel, rompus sa la sew llonga.
> Gouiuefas y pluzeor ans; et-z-eliverasot-el la 
> Armada Reyal. Dondrhuasot-li il capetans: ''Per
> que dosaveor aci y chapeuw y zew?'' Savus il
> capetans ionte a nemez y Chomrow, mays y chapeuw
> y zew ast po en var! Doponus il wortó a-z-el yen
> et deckis: ''C' aquel, moniem a nemez y Zi la
> Sulis.'' ''Et l' alteor?'' rhuasot il capetans.
> ''Ay, c' aquels. Ieo n' moniem pass nonck a nemez
> y Zi la Sulis!''

Historia maszkÅ?u i Å?u nawrażu

IÅ? maszkieÅ? nawgaba spar marz, maż Å?ciÄ?pu kwÄ?du iÅ? 
aproszmaba a jÄ?zÅ?Ä? rÄ?pieba siej Å?u barka. IÅ? wiwieba 
jÄ?dź prze pÅ?urze any; i saÅ?waba Å?u Flota RzegaÅ?a. 
KaptaÅ? Å?u kwierzeba: "Prokożu hasz jeszyc dwie 
jeÅ?klezie?" KaptaÅ? szczeba, kód Kiemrzyki wadÄ? a 
jeÅ?kleziÄ?, wiec hawier dwie jeÅ?klezie Å?u absurd! 
IwiaÅ? jÄ?dkaba ku polczy a unÄ? jeÅ?kleziÄ? i dziczeba: 
"Å?piecz, jÄ? dÄ?bnykar wadu a iÅ?Ä? jeÅ?kleziÄ?." "Maż 
siekÄ?da?", kwierzeba kaptaÅ?. "O, iwiaÅ?a. NÄ?kwa nie 
wadu a iwiaÅ?Ä? jeÅ?kleziÄ? jÄ? dÄ?bnykar!"


That was quite a difficult one, because I don't know Spanish at all, and Kerno
can be tough too! Can you check if this is more or less correct, Padraic? ;)
Are you going to provide an English translation as well, just in case?

Four new words (including one that I should have had already a long time ago)!


"Sochez en savez ni belle"

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