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--- In conlang@yahoogroups.com, Christopher Wright <faceloran@J...> wrote: > Late! I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me? > 1. obedient > It is a joy to have obedient children. Y mé jaúdi, fosodén bediéntiaux ríbraux. To me joy, possessing obedient children. > > 2. family > That contributes greatly to the peacefulness of a family. Fsau bárde aújat y fác y huamýlh. It greatly augment peace in family. > > 3. thought > A thought and a kind word do as much, though. Xténti't [xtenti-ot] bonýmnau borb xort huáct xmýrter, páncu. Thought-and kind word AUG act/do likewise, although. > > 4. politician > A politician might have the kind word, but never the thought. Frítyc xort fósyt huóchas bonýmnau borb, xod núncu xténti. Politician AUG have perhaps kind word, but never thought. > > 5. civility > Thus government contains the trappings, but not the substance, of civility. Yjtyr refublyc xort tent afratiaun do quibriau maud, naun xyfchanti. Therefore government AUG having-held appearance of civil mood, not substance. > > 6. civilization > Does this mean that government is not a part of civilization? Ximnycat-no pod refublyc naun och fach do quibyrtat. Signifies-3SGPRES-INTERR REL government not is part of civilization. > > 7. to move > If you don't like it, move to Cuba. It's not any better, but they're > honest. Xi tu naun ax fsau, mirjat y Cub. Yby naun och moryx, xod fsaux xyn onochaux. If you not love-2SG, move-IMPV to Cuba. There not is better, but they- MPL honest-ADJ-MPL > > 8. to meet > A ConlangCon is a place for conlangers to meet and discuss olives. * Candrancan och roc f'yb * candraneraux fon combent ot dict ribax. Conlangcon is place at-where conlanger-MPL able-3PLPRES meet-INF and speak-INF olive-FPL > > 9. existence > It also establishes the existence of various conlangers more certainly. Fsau otiam conhuirt barde quoche entat do diboxaux candraneraux. PRON-NTRSG also establish-3SG strongly surely being-FSG of several- ADJ-MPL conlanger-MPL. > > 10. feelings > No hard feelings, but I can't be sure any of you are actually people. Naun ocquit me, mu naun fom quochau pod arpod do baux xyn fy bertat omnex. Not kill-IMPV me, I not able-1SGPRES sure-ADJ-MSG REL SOME of PRON2PL be-3PLPRES( in reality-FSG = real-ADV) person-MPL. > > > All right, I'd better stop before my tongue pokes a hole through my cheek. > ~wright