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Weekly Vocab 25

--- In conlang@yahoogroups.com, Mike Ellis <nihilsum@H...> wrote:
> After catching up, the Rhean word count is 2789. It's a good thing 
> didn't use "set" or I'd never finish.
> Christopher Wright wrote:
> >Vocab 25:
> >A quarter centurial edition for your translation joy, reflecting 
> five
> >years of CONLANG-? development. Just to annoy the heck out of you, 
> going
> >to use homophonous words for every one of these. Don't complain 
unless it's
> >in your conlang, in which case I will welcome it with open arms.
> Aaai panc'a dak! Torom klibza yarjuk lakyem noonyanu sacec'atait, a 
> >1. date
> romantic interlude - kuz' (back-formed from ku-z'ak "go out")
> fruit - brinz
> calendar ~ - tarik'
> >On my first date, I realized that my package of dates was outdated.
> Yai mez kuz', du brinzir yai kvicop aytas' tarik' g'ec'ov as'e.
> my first date , THAT dates-GEN my package best date pass-PP 
Tohuyr d'Ixrax at dict: Dates are suitable only for prostitutes and 
> >2. station
> outpost ? chatiaun(ex)
> to place ? foch (faunau)
> >I was stationed at the Bridge Creek station.
Mu ram focha fy chatiaun do Rib do Fon.
I was posted at the station of Creek of Bridge
> >3. ruler
> measurement ? norm(ax)
> commander - tsrat
> >This ruler, a popular tourist item, bears the mark of the current 
Fsa norm, barde dexirata a bixtaurex, huort chaf do frexontauxau 
This slide, much wanted by visitors, bears the stamp of the present 
> >4. rate
> instances per time ? yctux (pl.)
> to judge something - iudycat
> There's also |tamand| for "rate" as a count of price by unit.
> >You rated the accuracy of the rate of change in government as 
being totally
> >bogus.
Tu ats iudycat roctun d'yctux do mutatiaun fy raxna os cunte huarxa.
Thou hast judged the rightness of the strikes of the change in the 
republic to be [os] wholly false.
> >5. loaf
> ~ of bread - pan
> to waste time being lazy - bacat
> >Don't just loaf about the place--why don't you bake a loaf or two?
Naun bac fy fsa roc ? cyr tu naun xorx coct aut pan aut dyo?  
Not be-absent in this place ? why not you-serve to-bake either (a) 
bread or two?
> >6. direction
> way - orientatiaun
> control - fochat
> >The car's direction is under the driver's direction.
Fsa'rientatiaun do fsa cariaut och fy fsa fochat f'actaur.
The direction of the chariot is in the power in the driver.
> >7. rest
> leisure ? auti(a)
> remainder ? reryct(aux)
> >The rest of the company may rest here for an hour.
Fsa reryct do cofanh ryct d'auti'b n'una aur.
The remainder of the company allow of leisure there to one hour.
> >8. crack
> onomatopeia - croftan
> fissure ? croft(aux)
> the substance ? benen(a)
> *not crack (not sure if they have that) but drugs nonetheless
> >With a crack, a crack opened in the wall, revealing a package of 
Croftan, croft at afoch fy menh, reberan xarquin do benen.
Cracking, a crack has opened in the wall, reveling a bag of 
> >9. fast
> speedy - rafydau
> to go without food - ieiunat
> >We have to be fast if we want to reach the holy city in time to 
Nocosoch naux os rafydaux xi naux dexirax adbent xanta fsur yt naux 
bax ieiunat.
Needs us to-be swift if we wish to-reach holy city with-the-result-
that we will to-fast.
> >10. class
> ranking ? onj(ex)
> attention to fine arts etc ? icaunh(ax)
> There's also |stalad| for a "class" in a school, and |drav| 
for "class,
> caste"
> >In his class, he has no choice but to have no class.
Fy x'icaunh, fsau ejat eroctiaun yt fsau xort fox naun d'onj.
At his own art-devotion, he lacks choice result-that he usually-has 
possessed no of rank.
> M