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Re: Hymn 243, Verses 2-4 in Fortunatian

I need help in verse #4!  o_O

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4"
<theophilus88@h...> wrote:

> #2
> When Stephen had preached against the laws under which
>     they tried him,

Con Tseffan haeva preicte conner eos lehes sub cae en uegavan,
[kAn 'tseff@ hajv breCt 'kAnn@r @s le:z suk ke en y'ga:v@]

> He had with himself no friend who pled [Stephen's] cause,

Nau haeva pud se un wigu, ci digiva pr'ei,
[no hajv pud ze @m mi:g ci di'gi:v prej]

> no lawyer near his side.

Nuole u augadu pud se.
[nu@l @z o'ga:d pud ze]

> But only in his own heart a flame

Sed solei in suun corde an flamma
[sed 'zo:le in dzuN gArd @m plam]

> And in his eyes a light

Ed in sui ougli an luc
[ed in dzu 'owgli @m blux]

> by which he proclaimed the dawn of the lord

Ei cae proundsava id diluogul ys Doemu
[e ge prun'dza:v id di'lu@g@l y dAjm]

> And rent the veils of night.

Ed xindiva ja vela ys noc.
[et Sin'di:v j@ ve:l y nAx]


> #3
> When Stephen, young and condemned, fell under stones

Con Tseffan, jueme ed dammadu, caziva sub nis laeftes
[kAn 'tseff@  jy@m ed dam'ma:d  k@'zi:v su ni lEfts]

> He spoke no curse, no hateful word 

Hae eite nec fluohe, nec worde oedsosu
[he ejt neC flu@x  neC vArd a'dzo:z]

> against those who broke his own bones.

Conner i, ci frangivan sua ossa.
['kAnn@r i  ki fr@N'gi:v@ su As]

> But only in his own heart a flame

Sed solei in suun corde an flamma
[sed 'zo:le in dzuN gArd @m plam]

> And on his lips a prayer

Ed in sua laeva an preige
[ed in dzu lajv @m brejg]

> So that God, in the name of forgiveness, Would understand 
>     and spare [them].

Ud Dé in sua veina ga combreinder ed parger eos.
[ud de: in dzu vejn ga gAm'brend@r ep 'parg@r Es]

> #4
> Ti caus ryct do defex a me,
> Thy cause allow of defending by me,

WTF does this mean?!?

> A knight (equites) without a sword,

U eicte sin glaedsu,
[@z eCt siN glajdz]

> I shall ask for no shield

Jo poscer nuole un xudun
[jA 'bASk@r nu@l @n 'tSu:d@]

> No loyal friend, No vengeance/punishment, no reward/spoils

Nuole un wigu fizu, nuola uedsone, nuola praeza
[nu@l @m mi:g fi:z  nu@l y'dzo:n  nu@l brajz]

> But only in my heart a flame

Sed solei in miun corde an flamma
[sed 'zo:le im miN gArd @m plam]

> And in my soul a dream

Ed in miu aemu un soemun
[ed im miz ajm @n 'dzAjm@]

> So that stones of earthly shame will (to) be as a bejeweled 
>     crown.

Ud laeftes mundani ga ere sigud a crona jemmada.
[ub lEfts mun'da:ni ga e:r 'si:g@d @ gro:n jem'ma:d]

-- Christian Thalmann