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Re: Get-To-Know Translation Exercise

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Christian Thalmann" 
<cinga@g...> wrote:
> It occurred to me that there are some romlangers on this list whose
> lang I don't really know yet.  Therefore, I'd like to pass around 
> short translation exercise to get a feel and smell from them (hey, I
> should coin that as an idiom ;-).
> Please add an indication of the pronunciation, preferably in X-
> or (even better) as an MP3 clip.
1)This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be.
Fsa tabenh naun och pan bona tan ort.
[fsa tabeJ non @t_S pan b@na tan @rt]
pan ? tan: tan (<tantum)accompanies the `standard' on which pan 
(<quantum) is based.
2) What are you doing? I told you to leave them where they were!
Pyd tu huacyx? Mu dau dict y naux xorpt fsaux f'yb fsaux orn.
[p1d tu wak1S] [mu dodikt 1noS S@rpt fsoS f1b fsoS @rn]
3) I would embrace the world if I could.
4) The cat ate the mouse I gave her like the eating of a tiger.
Huer at ex fsau mur poch mu at dat y fsa pan eden do (fsa) tirj.
[wer ateS fso mur p@t_S mu addat 1fsa pan eden d@ fsa tird_Z]
5) Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it.
Bor, mu dau audit te; huarx, mu naun at dexirat eft fsau.
[b@r, mu dodit te] [warS mu non addeSirat eft fso]
6) Welcome! Here's your room key. -- Thank you. -- You're welcome.
Bomben(tex)! Yb ti/bauch crab do cubycrau ?- Dratiax y te/y baux ? 
Dratiax y te/y baux
[b@mben(teS) 1b ti/bot_S krab d@ kub1kro ? dratjaS 1te/1boS]
7) Sir, shall I have a glass of water?
Cofanhaun, mu badau fox focrau d'acu?
[k@faJon mu badof@S f@kro daku]
8) Your mother was a whore of the savior. (Or equally insulting 

> -- Christian Thalmann