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Re: Get-To-Know Translation Exercise


First, I explain the rows:
D - Daisilingo
P - pronounciation
L - latin / english root
E - english meaning

Second, the tones of vowels:
/: rising
\: falling
|: short

> 1)  This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be.

D: Ze   taveeno  nega  si  bon  co  io habe  ethe.
P:[tse  ta've/no 'nega si  bon  ko  jo 'xabe 'edze]
L: hoc  tavern   neg   sic bon  com il hab   est
E: This tavern   isn't so  good as  it have  been.

> 2)  What are you doing?  I told you to leave them where they were!

D: Ce   feri-tu?   Te infoome-mi  a  lassa  li   u     lu   ethe!
P:[ke   'fehi-tu   te in'fo/me-mi a  'la|sa li   u     lu   'edze]
L: que  fair  tu   ti inform   me ad lax    lor  ubi   lor  est.
E: What doing you? You told I     to let    them where they were.

> 3)  I would embrace the world if I could.

D: Mi va   embazo   la  munda  si  mi possa.
P:[mi va   em'batso la  'munda si  mi 'po|sa]
L: me vas  embrac   il  mund   sic me poss
E: I  will embrace  the world  if  I  can.

> 4)  The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a tiger [would].

D: La  cato  vore  la  mouse ce   mi se  done  co  un tigera.
P:[la  'kato 'vohe la  mo\se ke   mi se  'done ko  un ti'geha]
L: il  cat   vor   il  mous  que  me se  don   com un tiger
E: The cat   ate   the mouse which I her gave  as  a  tiger

> 5)  Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it.

D: Si, mi te-aude,   e   no, mi ne  vola  se puuchasa.
P:[si  mi te-'a\de   e   no  mi ne  'vola se pu/'zasa]
L: sic me ti aud     et  no  me ne  vol   se purchas
E: Yes, I you heard, and no, I  not want  it buy.

> 6)  Welcome!  Here's your room key.  -- Thank you.  --  You're 

D: Benevena! Hozi   tha ta   dome  ceia. Gazo.  Tu  tha benevene.
P:[bene'vena 'xotsi dza ta   'dome 'keja 'gatso tu  dza bene'vene]
L: ben-ven   hoc    est ti   dom   key   grace  ti  est ben-ven
E: Welcome!  Here   is  your home  key.  Thanks.You are welcome.

> 7)  Sir, could I please have a glass of water?

D: Simnoro, possa-mi  tena  un vitino  de aca   po-favora?
P:[si|'noho 'po|sa-mi 'tena un vi'tino de 'aka  pofa'voha]
L: Signor   poss me   ten   un vitrine de aqua  pro-favor
E: Sir,     can I     take  a  glass   of water please?

> 8)  Your mother was a prostitute.  (Or equally insulting idiom.)

D: Ta   matera  tha un pothituto.
P:[ta   ma'teha dza un podzi'tuto]
L: ti   mater   est un prostitute
E: Your mother  is  a  prostitute.

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Benevena a ma page.