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Nauch Fach (Pater Noster) Nauch Fach, fsau pix f'urat, Cyx nomn ryct do xantat, Cyx tsramn ryct do frafimpat, Cyx aujyn ryct do duct, Ot fy tor ot f'urat. Dat nauch fan d'audienh y naux, Asorbyt nauch charjesiaunex pan naux asorbax charjesiaunex d'ariaux, Naun duct naux y teftatiaun, Ot frotect naux e fsaux mritiax. d' = do f' = fy cyx [k1S] - Genitive relative copulative pronoun, 2nd person singular ((thou) whose) Is the use of /cyx/ understandable to the rest of you?