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(Cross-posting from the Conlang list.) In Modern Jovian: > 1. to record > The priests record a separate history. I saerdodes nodan an histoera seobrada. [i zEr'do:dz 'no:d@n @n iS'tAjr zE'bra:d] > 2. archive > Their temples are vast archives. Sua timbla son tablaera immindsa. [su 'dimb@l sAn t@'blajr im'mindz] > 3. scribe > They employ many scribes. Emblojen muodi crifturs. [em'blo:j@ 'mu@di 'grift@rs] Note: |Emblojer| is a loan from French. Hmmm. I shouldn't borrow that many words. Jovian needs more original word creations! =P > 4. ink > The ink has lead in it. Ja tinta condine plumbun. [j@ 'dint kAn'di:n 'plumb@] > 5. insane > The scribes tend to go insane after a few years. I crifturs glinan criscer indsani pox nis anni. [i 'grift@rs 'gli:n@ 'griSk@r in'dza:ni pAS niz 'anni] > 6. to replace > The priests manage to replace the crazy scribes. I saerdodes poessen perwudare eos crifturs indsani. [i zEr'do:dS 'pass@ bervu'da:r ES 'krift@rz in'dza:ni] > 7. to pay > They must pay them a lot of money. Muessen paher is muoda guena. [myss@ 'ba:h@r i mu@d hy@n] > 8. rich > The church is quite rich. Ja cleisa ix nomaele difte. [j@ 'glejz iS nA'majl dift] Note: |Nomaele| is from "non male". Finally some Jovian invention not borrowed from French or German! > 9. to write > I write neatly. Crivo clarei. ['kri:vA 'kla:re] > 10. job > Perhaps I could get a job as a scribe. For gau ciber muoner mou criftur. [fAr go 'gi:b@r 'mu@n@r mow 'grift@r] -- Christian Thalmann