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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" <theophilus88@h...> wrote: > --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@y...> > wrote: > > --- habarakhe4 <theophilus88@h...> wrote: > > <SNIP> Here are the numbers, folks! Latin Numerals in Fortunatian These are general purpose numerals. CF 1 /unau/ [uno] /una/ [una] 2 /dyo/ [d1@] 3 /chex/ [t.Es] 4 /pattaur/ [pattor] 5 /pincu/ [piNku] 6 /xecs/ [SekS] 7 /xoft/ [S@ft] 8 /octau/ [@kto] 9 /nob/ [n@b] 10 /doc/ [d@k] Guanche Numerals in Fortunatian Fortunatians use Guanche numerals from 1 to 10 to count livestock and slaves. It would be a grave insult to use them to count freemen. OF CF 1 nait/ben 2 smetti/lini [smetti/rini] /xmotti/ [Sm@tti] 3 amelotti/amiat [amelotti/amiat] /arrotti/ [arr@tti] 4 acodetti/arba [akodetti/arba] /actotti/ [akt@tti] 5 simusetti/cansa [simusetti/kansa] /xixotti/ [SiS@tti] 6 sesetti/sumus [sesetti/sumus] /xotti/ [S@tti] 7 satti/sat [satti/sat] /xatti/ [Satti] 8 tamatti/set [tamatti/set] /tamatti/ [tamatti] 9 alda marava/acot [alda marava/akot] /arda marba/ [arda marba] 10 marava/marago [maraba/marago] /marba/ [marba] Etruscan Numerals The Fortunatians use Etruscan numerals for `mystic' purposes such as folk magic. It is widely believed that "ochucsa numora" should not be uttered in a church or in the presence of a priest. Despite sporadic attempts at suppression by the clergy, this system of counting remains vigorously alive. CF 1 thu [tu:] > [tu] /tu/ 1 is the number of unity and its name places emphasis on the unity of every being. Therefore it is homophonous with "thou". 2 zal, esl [t_sal] > /tsar/ [t_sar] 3 ci [ki:] > /qui/ [ki] 4 Sa [Sa] > /xa/ [Sa] 5 mach [mak] > /mac/ [mak] 6 huth [hu:t] > /hut/ [hut] 7 semph [semp] > /xof/ [S@f] Note: Fortunatian theologians have connected this word with the Hebrew /sheba'/, which means `seven', and Latin /semper/ `always', concluding that seven is the ideal number. 8 cezp [ket_sp] > [ke:sp] > /quefs/ [kefs] 9 nurph [nu:rp] > [nu:rfa] > /nurf/ [nurf] 10 Sar [Sar] > /xar/ [Sar] 11-15 As in Latin 16 huth-zar [hu:tt_sar] > /hutsar/ [hut_sar] 17 ci-em zathrum [ki:-em t_satrum] > /quintsach/ [ki:nt_sat.] 18 esl-em zathrum [eslem t_satrum] > /orsontsach/ [@rs@nt_sat.] 19 thun-em zathrum [tu:nem t_satrum] > /tunontsach/ [tun@nt_sat.] 20 zathrum [t_satrum] > /tsach/ [t_sat.] 21-26 As in Latin 27 ci-em-ce-alch [ki: em ke alk] > /quincarc/ [kiNkark] 28 esl-em-ce-alch [esl em ke alk] > /orsoncarc/ [@rs@Nkark] 29 thun-em-ce-alch [tu:n em ke alk] > /tunoncarc/ [tun@Nkark] 30 ci-alch, ce-alch [ke alk] > /carc/ [kark] 40 Se-alch /Se: alk/ > 50 muv-alch [mu:valk] > [mu:balk] > /mubarc/ [mubark] 60 huth-alch [hu:t alk] > /hutarc/ [hutark] 70 semph-alch [semp alch] > /xofarc/ [S@fark] 80 cezp-alch [ke:spalk] > /quefsark/[kefsark] 90 nurph-alch [nu:rpalk] > /nurfark/ [nurfark]