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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 261

Can I just say that this list is really fascinating at the moment?

I don't even have a Romlang to throw into the mix, but this is great stuff.
Interesting Vegliot (?) vocab that Adam's posting, which is making me think
about possible sound shifts for my new baby: a South Germanic (or
Mediterranean Germanic) lang for a people who ended up on an island near
Corsica called Capraia, around 200 CE. Of course, there will be many Romance
borrowings (and the orthography is heavily Romance-influenced). Anyone got
any thoughts on which local Italian dialects to borrow from? I'm borrowing
at different times, but trying to construct the modern language through
sound changes.

miarda - excrement
miarla - blackbird

This little couplet made me smile, since the latter's Latin name is, of
course, Merula turdus. Schoolboy humour, I know.


james@hidden.email  James Campbell                              www.zolid.com
Jameld web site: www.zolid.com/zm  Plexus Inventions: www.zolid.com/plexus