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Re: [romanceconlang] Question on Italic languages

At 12:48 28.4.2003 +0100, Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> I wonder why, with all the multitudes of us constructiong
> Romancelangs, I'm not aware of anyone doing Greeklangs.

I have been wondering about that too, and I think I even asked about that on
Conlang. Nobody really seems to have an answer, except for the fact that Latin
is better known than Greek, and that the presence of so many Romance natlangs
makes the creation of new Romance conlang much more obvious than the absence of
any Greek natlangs other than Modern Greek.

> Is there anyone?

Well, there are two examples I can think of: Mesegoika, by Alexis Katsaros,
which is some sort of Greek-Spanish hybrid. And Ferko Valoczy has presumably
started a new Slavo-Greek language lately.

In my Lucus timeline Italiotic has remained vigorous and is the general vernacular
of southern Italy and Sicily, since this area constitutes a Greek empire, an
offshoot of the Byzantine empire, ruled by _ho ton Rhomaion kai ton Sikelon Basileus_.
The official language remains standard Byzantine Greek -- what they would call
_Rhomaika Katholikon_, i.e. there is a diglossia even more extreme than that of
modern Greek *here*.  Admittedly Italiotic is not a conlang, but a "con-revived
natlang", and I haven't worked a whole lot on it beyond trying to digest what
Rohlfs published on Italiotic *here*.

/ B.Philip Jonsson B^)
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No man forgets his original trade: the rights of
nations and of kings sink into questions of grammar,
if grammarians discuss them.
-Dr. Samuel Johnson (1707 - 1784)